Impressive Results from Energy Dance Comp
Sophie Quigley- 12&up highest score winner & improv champion
Ella Kozar- 1st Place and Title Julienne Cabrera- highest scoring routine 11 & under Carys Spencer- Petite Soloist 1st overall
Senior Soloists
sophie - 1st
alexis - 2nd & entertainment award
karina - 4th
caroline- 5th & judges pick
Petite duet/trio
somewhere 1st
Junior duet/trio
lean on me 2nd
the opening 1st
Teen duet/trio
seul au monde 2nd
discombobulate 1st
Teen Soloists
15th - Kara -Finding Hope
14th - Lily- The Water is Wide
11th - Cynnia - Island Fires
7th - Alex - Inception
5th - Elena - Tin Roof
3rd - Deanna - Small Town
1st - Ella - Blackstar (title)
Junior Solos
1st Julienne
3rd Maeryn
5th Brooke - Technique Award
9th Naomi
Petite Solos
1st Carys