TPDA Code of Conduct
Our faculty create an equal opportunity for all dancers, to promote and build a community atmosphere and to foster personal growth and an understanding of commitment to one’s self and to others. To that end, we expect the following,

Dancers and parents should show a supportive attitude at all times to fellow dancers, parents and studio faculty.
Follow instructions from faculty and respect decisions made at the discretion of the Directors, Staff or Faculty.
Studio faculty should be contacted by calling or emailing the studio and our staff will respond by email within 48 hours. Parents should not reach out to faculty about studio concerns in between classes or through faculty’s personal social media accounts.
Respect the studio spaces, lobby, restrooms and dressing rooms by keeping belongings tidy and disposing of food trash. No gum is permitted in the studio.
Sound systems and their accessories, class props, mats, yoga blocks, weights, therabands, and portable barres are the property of TPDA and may not be used/ moved unless instructed by the TPDA Faculty, Staff or Directors.
Siblings and Parents are to remain in the lobby at all times unless visiting the restrooms.
Please contact the studio if you have questions or concerns about your dancer. Thank you for dancing with us!
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